Dear Pondeli, since years i`m reading your blog, because i`m very interested in the area you describe. From 15th of july we are situated near jablonne v podjestedi for 3 weeks. And now i want to ask you politely for some ideas for our visit, beside the main stream tourist sites, like the exhibition at the formerly baths in liberec we visited last year! Sincerely yours, Stefanie.
Dear Pondeli, since years i`m reading your blog, because i`m very interested in the area you describe. From 15th of july we are situated near jablonne v podjestedi for 3 weeks. And now i want to ask you politely for some ideas for our visit, beside the main stream tourist sites, like the exhibition at the formerly baths in liberec we visited last year! Sincerely yours, Stefanie.
OdpovědětVymazatTy vaše fotky...jsou tak úúúžasný!